The bears

Appeared at least in 1431, they are one of the oldest figures of the main festival. Today we can confirm that the bears are unique in the whole of the Iberian peninsula. It is possible that this figure existed in some cities such as Barcelona, but they did not stay as they did in Solsona. There is a legend that says that they were the first inhabitants of Solsona and that when they were expelled by men, they said they would come back every year, the day before the main festival to represent the city.

Els óssos ballant a la plaça

   The Bull - The Mule ( Mulassa) - The Bears - The little horses - The dragon - The Morris dancing - Els Nans - The Eagle - The Giants - The flute player - The Trabucaires - The Tronada - The Wheel of fire - Manel Casserras Legacy - The virgin of the cloister