The Eagle

Our eagle is one of the few in Catalonia that preserves the role of rendering homage to the people who deserve it such as when a bishop takes office or important people who visit Solsona. This figure exists only in the towns that have been granted the title of “city”.  

The eagle dances three times regularly during the main festival. On the 8th and the 9th  of September, at midday, and on the 8th also in  the afternoon during the procession to honour the virgin. The current eagle is from 1956, but it is one of the first figures to honour the virgin during the procession. Its dance is solemn and dignified, and it preserves part of the original music.

Ball de l'Àliga a la Plaça Major

Salutació de l'Àliga 

 The Bull - The Mule ( Mulassa) - The Bears - The little horses - The dragon - The Morris dancing - Els Nans - The Eagle - The Giants - The flute player - The Trabucaires - The Tronada - The Wheel of fire - Manel Casserras Legacy - The virgin of the cloister